The GREENPEG project partners are presenting their latest results to worldwide pegmatite experts at the GAC-MAC-PEG 2024 at Brandon University in Manitoba, including the 10th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites Committee to which GREENPEG experts Dr. Encarnacion Roda-Robles (University of the Basque Country) and Dr. Alexandre Lima (University do Porto) are proud members of the Organising Committee. More information about GAC-MAC-PEG 2024 can be found here

More than 30 participants gathered in Windhoek on 14 May 2024 to be introduced into GREENPEG toolset for exploration of pegmatites and exchanging latest news about lithium, tin and tantalum potential, exploration and mining in Namibia and other African countries. Her Excellency, the EU Ambassador to Namibia, Ane-Beatriz Martins, pointed out in her opening speech the strategic partnership between Namibia and the European Union in achieving energy transition targets by securing the required raw material supply. The workshop also included a field excursion to the Uis pegmatites on 15-16 May 2024, providing an opportunity to discuss the experiences, challenges and opportunities in pegmatite exploration by industry. Organized by GREENPEG in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Namibia, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in Germany, and Gecko Exploration, the workshop aimed to enhance the EU strategic raw materials partnership and to promote a sustainable development in the region.

The one-day conference on 14th of Mai 2024 aims at introducing GREEPEG research results to potential end-users and strengthening Europe’s strategic raw materials partnership with Namibia. The program focuses on advances in the exploration of pegmatites by research and experiences from past and ongoing pegmatite exploration and mining throughout Africa. The conference provides floor for contributions from the public and private surveying and exploration followed by a B2B session and networking.

Over 15th and 16th of May 2024 we offer a guided site visit to the famous Erongo Mountain pegmatite outcrops and exploration activities including one overnight stay in an African-style lodge. The conference is hosted by the EU HORIZON 2020 project GREENPEG, in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Namibia, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, and Gecko Exploration, Namibia.

Participation is free of charge. Check out the programme and register until 10 May 2024 here

The conference, themed "Geosciences Without Borders" invites geoscientists from Europe and worldwide to convene for a dynamic exchange of knowledge.

2024, the vibrant city of Dresden plays host to GeoSaxonia, embracing its historical significance and cutting-edge research landscape. Organized in partnership with the Technical University of Dresden and Senckenberg, and bolstered by the collective expertise of TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Charles University in Prague, GeoSaxonia 2024 promises to be a convergence of ideas and innovation. The event features insightful plenary and keynote lectures, a comprehensive poster and industry exhibition, extensive field trips and thought-provoking discussions, aiming to foster cross-border collaborations and inspire new projects and a lively exchange.

GREENPEG / GKZ has opened a Session on Advances in Pegmatite Exploration and will contribute with presentations by UIO and NGU introducing into the GREENPEG Toolset and the Piezoelectrometre.

We would like to encourage all our research fellows to subscribe to the Session on Advances in Pegmatite Exploration by assigning an abstract to the session. DEADLINE: 6 MAY 2024!

Together with GeoSphere Austria, the newly founded Federal Institute for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology, the EU research project GREENPEG organized a workshop on Pegmatite and hardrock exploration "Made in Europe" in the service of the European Geological Surveys in Vienna. The workshop addressed the question of what level of knowledge we have achieved in pegmatite exploration in Europe, where the industry and geological services of the EU member states have been involved to date and which framework conditions in the EU promote and restrict the exploitation of pegmatite deposits. The event was well received by over 50 participants from several EU countries and Canada and complemented the successful start of the GeoSphere Austria Lithium Symposium. Here you can find the conference program of both events.

GREENPEG well presented by a number of partners booths such as from NGU, terratec, NHM London. Coordinator Axel Müller presented the GREENPEG findings at the workshop "R&I for

mineral exploration and extraction in the EU at the European Unions´ booth on 5th of March. More information was available at the German Pavilion and the NGU pavilion, Norway.


GREENPEG will be presented by a number of partners at the PDAC convention trade show, check out at the:

"Do you speak English - Honey I do". That was the song in the German hit parade almost 50 years ago. A song that conveyed how you can fall in love with more than just the English language. Nothing has changed to this day, except that the "lingua franca" has become more of a professional language than ever before. And as such, it is also playing an increasingly important role in the natural sciences.

As part of its work with "young careers", GREENPEG partner GKZ invited a group of first-year geophysics students led by Ms. Darlene Ann Kilian from the Bergakademie Freiberg to its office to discuss the work of the GKZ and its members, with a particular focus on the GREENPEG project. The project is concerned with optimizing exploration technologies and methods for pegmatites as carriers of important metals for the energy transition. The 10 men and women listened with equal interest to Managing Director Wolfgang Reimer's explanations and his "knowledge of languages" from 30 years of professional life on six continents. - However, he found his sweetheart in Dresden - in Saxon!

GREENPEG project was nominated to the "Research & Innovation Day" at Raw Materials Week in Brussels (RMW) session "Horizon Technology Success Story". Six H2020 projects had the opportunity to present themselves and GREENPEG was the only one dealing with exploration. The project delivers i.a. three technological innovations, which were prioritized in the presentation: The first helicopter-compatible "nose boom magnetometer system" with full EASA certification in Europe, a hyperspectral system based on an "acoustic-optical monochromator" for use with drones, and a newly developed piezoelectric seismograph for direct detection of quartz in the subsurface. The latter is a unique technique for mapping granitic pegmatite in the subsurface.

GREENPEG is now in the final phase and is working on dissemination and marketing of the project results. We started at the biggest EU raw materials event of the year: the EU RMW. Claudia Haase and Marco Brönner from NGU, as our ambassadors, received encouraging feedback from both, industry and academia, on their both presentations.


Make yourself familiar with the RMW and GREENPEG findings:

Link to EU RMW:

Link to agenda R&I Day:

Link to short article piezoelectric seismograph:


The one-day conference on 14th of Mai 2024 aims at introducing GREEPEG research results to potential end-users and strengthening Europe’s strategic raw materials partnership with Namibia. The program focuses on advances in the exploration of pegmatites by research and experiences from past and ongoing pegmatite exploration and mining throughout Africa. The conference provides floor for contributions from the public and private surveying and exploration followed by a B2B session and networking.

Over 15th and 16th of May 2024 we offer a guided site visit to the famous Erongo Mountain pegmatite outcrops and exploration activities including one overnight stay in an African-style lodge. The conference is hosted by the EU HORIZON 2020 project GREENPEG, in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Namibia, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, and Gecko Exploration, Namibia.


Find Programme here. The Call for Speakers is open until 30 April 2024.


Contact us! Email:

The workshop will bring together relevant stakeholders at industry level and representatives of neighboring EU projects to explore and discuss the latest achievements made towards the demonstration of an innovative, competitive toolset for the exploration of buried LCT and NYF pegmatites, including three new instrumental techniques and devices: piezoelectric sensor, helicopter-complementary nose stinger magnetometer, drone-borne hyperspectral imaging system, and two new datasets for prospect scale (<50 km²) and district scale (50-500 km²) exploration. The Workshop will take place at the Auditorium 003, FC5, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugalx Address: Edifício dos Serviços Centrais FC5, piso 0, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto.

Find the Programme HERE.

GREENPEG will be presented by a number of partners at the PDAC convention trade show, check out at the:


GREENPEG project presentation on 13 November 14:15 – 14:30 by Claudia Haase, NGU


GREENPEG will be at the tradeshow introducing GREENPEG Nose Stinger and GREENPEG Toolset CONTACT US


GREENPEG will be presented with 3 oral and 2 poster presentations introducing into the GREENPEG toolset, geophysical exploration advances in NYF-type pegmatite deposits in Tysfjord, Norway. CONTACT US